Greater Washington Jump$tart Coalition works to improve the personal financial literacy of students in Greater Washington area. Our partnership criteria is set to ensure that we are successfully working with partners who have common goals and ideals.
How to Join Us:
1) Complete the online partnership application.
2) Pay the partner dues contribution (online or by check) upon receipt of invoice and on an annual basis.
- For-profit business $99
- Non-profit organization $50
- Government entity $50
- Sole proprietor/individual $50
3) Participate on 1 or more Greater Washington Jump$tart Coalition committees.
4) Volunteer for at least one GWJ$-sponsored event or partner event per year.
5) Attend at least 2 of the partners quarterly meetings on the third Tuesday unless otherwise announced. Partners network, get local and national financial literacy updates, outcomes, and share their programs. If you cannot attend, please send a designated representative from your organization.
6) Provide updates on your financial education‐related activities in the Greater Washington area each quarter. This includes past and upcoming events, projects and programs.
7) Share your financial literacy efforts and ideas in email:
Partnership Benefits:
Visibility & Recognition: Your organization’s name and link will be added to the partners page of the Greater Washington Jump$tart Coalition website. Greater Washington Jump$tart partners will be listed in all publications, event programs and brochures.
Publicity: Partners will have the opportunity to advertise and promote upcoming financial education events online and in all Greater Washington Jump$tart publications in order to promote events and raise awareness of your organization’s financial education activities in the Greater Washington area.
Advocacy, Resources, and Engagement: Greater Washington Jump$tart Coalition will actively seek opportunities to promote its partners’ financial education initiatives through direct referral and participation in Greater Washington Jump$tart initiatives. This includes, but is not limited to, direct referrals to Greater Washington Jump$tart Coalition partners, volunteers, educators, speakers, and financial education specialists.
Access: Greater Washington Jump$tart Coalition offers a platform to bring partners together and form partnerships with other partners. Greater Washington Jump$tart partners will have access to media-related and public speaking opportunities.